Why choose us?

When you choose HSA, you will be cared for at a practice committed to excellence, precision, and patient-centered care. Our skilled surgeons have performed hundreds of successful surgeries and have a proven track record of helping patients regain function, mobility, and quality of life. They prioritize patient education, actively involve you in treatment decisions, and answer questions or concerns. We offer same-day appointments with one of our surgeons rather than a mid-level provider – you can access a top-rated wrist surgeon on your first and subsequent visits.

Diagnosis and treatment with arthroscopic wrist surgery

During this procedure, a small camera, called an arthroscope, is inserted through tiny incisions in the wrist joint. The arthroscope provides a clear view of the wrist's internal structures, allowing us to resolve specific issues with precision surgical techniques.

Arthroscopic wrist surgery is an invaluable diagnostic tool for identifying the underlying cause of wrist pain, instability, or limited range of motion. By helping visualize the wrist's ligaments, cartilage, and bones for an accurate diagnosis, this approach reveals the following wrist injuries and conditions:

  • Wrist Ligament Tears: Damage to the ligaments that support the wrist joint, such as scapholunate ligament tears.
  • Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Tears: Injuries to the TFCC, a group of ligaments and cartilage in the wrist.
  • Ganglion Cysts: Fluid-filled cysts that develop near the wrist joint.
  • Wrist Fractures: Broken bones in the wrist, including scaphoid fractures.
  • Wrist Arthritis: Degenerative joint disease affecting the wrist.

Once a definitive diagnosis is made through arthroscopy, our skilled surgeons can perform various therapeutic interventions during the same procedure. This may include:

  • Ligament Repair or Reconstruction: Restoring the integrity of damaged wrist ligaments.
  • TFCC Repair: Repairing tears or injuries to the triangular fibrocartilage complex.
  • Removal of Ganglion Cysts: Drainage or excision of ganglion cysts to alleviate pain and pressure.
  • Wrist Fracture Fixation: Stabilizing fractured wrist bones using screws, pins, or plates.
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Doctor examining patient's wrist and hand

Advantages of arthroscopic wrist surgery

Arthroscopic wrist surgery offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including:

  • Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions result in less tissue disruption, reduced pain, and faster recovery.
  • Enhanced Visualization: The arthroscope provides a clear and magnified view of wrist structures, aiding precise treatment.
  • Reduced Scarring: Tiny incisions lead to minimal scarring and improved cosmetic outcomes.
  • Faster Recovery: Patients typically return more quickly to their daily activities.

At HSA, our fellowship-trained, board-certified surgeons are highly skilled in arthroscopic wrist surgery. We utilize state-of-the-art techniques and technology to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our team is committed to providing individualized care, guiding patients through their arthroscopic wrist surgery journey, and helping them regain wrist function and enjoy an active, pain-free life. If you are experiencing wrist pain or joint issues, schedule a consultation with our experts to explore if arthroscopic wrist surgery is the right solution for your wrist health.

Recovery after surgery

While the procedure is minimally invasive, it requires appropriate post-operative care and rehabilitation for optimal outcomes. At HSA, we prioritize patient comfort and successful recovery, and our experienced team will guide you through each step of the healing process:

  • After arthroscopic wrist surgery, you will be in the recovery area under observation. You may experience mild discomfort and swelling around the wrist joint, which is normal. You will be kept comfortable in the early stage of healing with prescribed pain medication and the application of cold packs.
  • Your wrist will be wrapped in a soft bandage to support the joint and control swelling. A splint or brace may sometimes be applied to protect and immobilize the wrist during the initial healing phase.
  • Before returning home to rest and recover, you will receive detailed aftercare instructions from our medical team. It is essential to follow these instructions diligently for a smooth and uneventful recovery. This may include bandage changes, wound care, and activity restrictions guidelines.
  • Physical therapy is a crucial component of the recovery following arthroscopic wrist surgery. Our specialized hand therapists will work closely with you to design a personalized rehabilitation plan. Therapy may begin shortly after surgery, focusing on gentle exercises to improve wrist mobility and strengthen the surrounding muscles.
  • The timeline for resuming normal activities will vary depending on the nature of the wrist condition treated and individual healing progress. Our medical team will guide you when you can gradually resume light activities and return to work, as avoiding activities that put undue stress on the wrist is essential over the first stages of recovery.
  • Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon will be scheduled to monitor your progress, assess healing, and make necessary adjustments to your recovery plan. Our team is dedicated to supporting you throughout the recovery journey and ensuring the best possible outcomes for your wrist health.
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Michael I. Vender, MD

Our expertise

At HSA, we take immense pride in the qualifications and expertise of our surgical team. Each of our surgeons is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, demonstrating their dedication to maintaining the highest standards of medical excellence. Beyond their board certification, our surgeons have pursued additional sub-specialization training in the upper extremity and microvascular surgery, making them true experts in the field.

With extensive training and years of experience, our surgeons possess an in-depth understanding of the complex anatomy and biomechanics of the wrists. Their specialized knowledge lets them diagnose and treat various wrist conditions and injuries precisely and skillfully. Whether addressing intricate microvascular challenges or joint replacement surgeries, our surgeons are well-versed in the latest surgical techniques and advancements. 

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